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  (二)、读前环节。一般可设计学生根据图片或标题预测文章内容。例如外研社版高中英语必修三第四模块,可以让学生根据标题Sandstorms in Asian Countries进行推测文章讲述的内容,学生说文章可能会从亚洲国家沙尘暴多发的国家、它的危害以及它的预防措施和解决的方法这几个方面展开,接着让学生快速阅读课文然后讨论文章是否和他们预测的一样,与后面的教学设计衔接自然。





  The solar energy is an energy which the solar interior continuously unceasing unclear fusion reaction process. On the earth’s orbit mean sun radiation intensity is 1367km/m2. The terrestrial equator perimeter is 40000 km, thus may calculate, the Earth obtains the energy may reach 173000TW. In the sea level standard peak value intensity is 1km/m2, the earth’s surface some 24h annual mean radiation intensity is 0.20km/m2, is equal to has 102000TW the energy, the humanity relies on these energy maintenance survivals, including possesses other forms the renewable energy (geothermal energy resources to be an exception) although the solar energy resources total quantity is equal the energy which uses to the present humanity 10000 multiple, but the solar energy’s energy density is low, moreover it adjust measures to local conditions from time to time because changes, this is the developmental question which faces using the solar energy. Solar energy these characteristics can cause it to limit in the entire synthesis energy system function.

  2. 具体要求:




  Solar energy教学设计

  Teaching Aims:

  Knowledge aim: Students will know more knowledge about solar energy.

  Ability aim: Through different activities, students will improve their reading and speaking skills, such as skimming and scanning.

  Emotional aim: After this lesson, students will be aware of the importance of environmental protection.

  Teaching Key Points:

  Students will learn more about solar energy and some new words.

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  Students can grasp the main idea of the passage and improve their reading skills.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Warming-up

  Free chat: Teacher guides students to talk about new energy for two minutes and then shares together.

  (Small-hydro, wind, modern biomass, geothermal, ocean and so on.)

  Step 2 Pre-reading

  Teacher guides students one question to answer a question: Which kind of new energy is the most convenient for us to use?

  Step 3 While-reading


  Teacher asks students read the passage quickly in two minutes and finds the main idea.


  Teacher gives students 5 minutes to read this article quickly and answer two questions.

  Q1: How much the terrestrial equator perimeter is?

  Q2: How much energy could the earth obtain?

  Careful reading:

  Read this passage again in 3 minutes and find the problem of solar energy using.

  Step 4 Post-reading

  1. Listen to the tape and read this article loudly in 5 minutes.

  2. Ask students to discuss two questions (5 minutes).

  Q1: Why we need to find new type of energy?

  Q2: How to save different energy in our daily life?

  Teacher should give them a guidance and summary of the new energy using and the limited resources in the earth.

  Step 5 Summary and homework

  Teacher guides two students to summarize this lesson, and asks them to write a small article about environmental protection, they should also search the answer of “How do people apply new energy in nowadays’ society?” on the internet.

  Blackboard Design:

  Solar energy

  Main idea:

  Abundant solar energy resources:

  The problem of using solar energy:

  Teaching reflection

  In this class, students are the main roles, they are completing all kinds of tasks, such as discussion, report, etc. they can learn English by finishing these tasks under the guidance of teacher. Moreover, their comprehensive ability such as listening, speaking, reading will be greatly improved in the teaching procedures.







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