- 发布时间:2021-07-05 11:44:42
- 河北金融考试
- https://he.huatu.com
- 文章来源:未知

扫码添加客服老师 咨询河北考试信息
1. It’s offered as proof that she’s a ( ) woman who won’t waste taxpayers’ money.
A. principled
B. patriotic
C. pioneer
D. radical
2. The decision to ( ) the company wasn’t an easy one to make, but everyone agreed that there was no other option but to cease trading.
A. disintegrate
B. dissolve
C. display
D. distribute
3. Who will ( ) the extra freight charges?
A. spend
B. charge
C. bear
D. pay
以上是2021年7月5日银行校园招聘每日一练4的全部内容,更多关于银行招聘,银行备考,河北金融考试笔试备考的信息敬请添加微信客服 ,及关注河北金融考试/河北人事考试。