- 发布时间:2021-07-05 11:47:17
- 河北金融考试
- https://he.huatu.com
- 文章来源:未知

扫码添加客服老师 咨询河北考试信息
1. Production has been ( ) from our Boston site to a new place.
A. switched
B. swung
C. swapped
D. swept
2. After a while, other scouts ( ) to visit the sites advertised by their compatriots.
A. set
B. carry
C. start
D. around
3. The guarantee is for 12 months from date of purchase, but for $50, customers can ( ) it to 36 months.
A. extract
B. extend
C. Extort
D. expropriate
以上是2021年7月5日银行校园招聘每日一练7的全部内容,更多关于银行招聘,银行备考,河北金融考试笔试备考的信息敬请添加微信客服 ,及关注河北金融考试/河北人事考试。