2018 年10月成人高考高起本高起专英语考试试题(四)
- 发布时间:2021-11-09 08:52:24
- 河北人事考试网
- https://he.huatu.com
- 文章来源:河北华图教育
Nancy wanted to make good use of her spare time. So she decided to work for the underdog. For the past several years, she has been putting her experience and energy to help a disadvantaged (条件差的) high school student.
Nancy knew that her knowledge would be best shared in a one-to-one situation. She found her perfect match in Operation Jump Start(OJS).
OJS was founded in 1994 in Long Beach, California, with the goal of helping students reach for higher education. It pairs students with experienced volunteers (志愿者), and provides them with workshops on writing, leadership development, and guided tours of vanous colleges.
Since its start, OJS has helped 80 students graduate from high school, with 95 percent moving on to higher education.
Nancy and the girl, Yanira, spent most of their time on school work. Together the two often went to museums, zoos, the movies, and concerts; they even sang in the school holiday show together!
“I know I’ m not like anyone else in Yanira’s life,” Nancy says,“It’ s been great to get to know her and to watch her change, grow, and learn.”
Much to Nancy’s excitement, Yanira plans to attend John Jay College in New York City, where Nancy’s father taught for his whole life. “These days I share her dream, and if she gets accepted I hope to travel to New York with her and show her around.” Nancy says.
39.The word “underdog” in Paragraph 1 probably refers to ______
A. smart high school students B. dogs that are not liked by their owners
C. students who need help to succeed D. poor company workers
40. What is Operation Jump Start (OJS) in the text?
A. It’s a company providing jobs for people like Nancy.
B. It’s a program training volunteers.
C. It’s a school teaching leadership skills.
D. It’s an organization helping high school students.
41. Who is Yanira in the story?
A. A volunteer OJS supported. B. A student Nancy helped.
C. A teacher from John Jay College. D. A relative of Nancys.
42.According to the text, Nancy feels great to see Yanira ______
A. make progress B. travel to New York
C. go to college D. sing in the holiday show
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