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2019河北教师招聘面试之《How do you get to school?》说课稿

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  2019河北教师招聘面试之《How do you get to school?》说课稿



  First of all, I’d like to give some analysis of the teaching material. The lesson is the first period of section A, unit 3, PEP for middle school book 7B. The content is about the transportation means, which is close to students’ life. Students can know how to ask and answer the transportation means. By this course, it will become the bedding of the following lesson. The main idea is to cultivate students’ awareness of safety.


  Base on the new curriculum standard, the teaching objectives can be divided into 3 parts. First, knowledge objective. Knowledge objective is to grasp new words like train, nus, subway, hike and walk, and phrases like take the train, take the bus, take the subway, and ride a bike, and sentence pattern like “-How do you get to school? -I...” . Second, ability objective. Ability objective is to foster students’ observation competence, thinking ability and self-study ability. Third, emotional objective. Emotion objective is to arouse students’ learning interest, cultivate students’ awareness of safety and spirit of team cooperation.


  Based on the analysis of teaching material, my teaching key point and difficult point are as follows. The teaching key point includes vocabulary, phrases and sentence pattern; and the difficult point is to use them in real situation.


  After analysis of teaching material, now let me analyze the students. With the growth of age, students in Grade 7 have some mental changes, from activity to quietness, and dislike showing themselves. What’s more, they have four-year study experience, know some English words and can express the things they can do. All of these provide a foundation for the coming lesson. However, their abstract thinking ability is low and their attention can be scattered in a relatively easy way. All of these will be considered in my teaching plan.


  According to students’ physical and mental characteristics, I will adopt TBLT method, and the situation method to improve students’ enthusiasm, design a variety of activities and make them learn to play and play to learn.

  Correspondingly, students will take part in the activities and finish the tasks in pairs and in groups. They can use the language in a relaxing, pleasant and harmonious atmosphere.


  Step1: leading in

  I will lead in the class by greeting and asking questions “Hello, boys and girls. Did you get to school alone or with your parents?” Through a simple question, students can become interested in the coming lesson.

  Step2: presentation

  I will show five pictures about bus, train, subway, bike and walk and ask them “What can you see?” Students answer the question with “I can see...”. In this way, I can present the new words. And then teach the pronunciation of each word. Students read after me until they can read them correctly and fluently.

  Based on the presentation of new words, I will present the phrases by matching the pictures with the phrases. After this step, I will give further explanation of each phrase.

  Listen to a tape and ask them “Do you know how to say when you want to know how other students get to school?” Lead students say “-How do you get to school? -I...”.

  Step3: practice

  For words, I will deign a game: look and match. I will show students some pictures and let students match the pictures with words.

  For phrases, I will design a task: fill in the blanks. I will show them some expressions with missing words and let students fill in the blanks.

  For sentence pattern, I will design a role-play activity. One student asks “How do you get to school?” and the other answers “I...”. Repeat the process to practice other sentences. With these activities, students can practice what they have learned in the class.

  Step4: consolidation

  In this part, I will design a TBLT task: complete a form. Divide students into 4groups and group members ask each other and complete a form with their answers. In this way, students can consolidate their learning in a funny way.

  Step5: summary

  First, let students summarize the content and then I make supplement when necessary. Lastly, I will stress the importance of safety.

  Step6: homework

  I have one task for students: ask their parents “How do you get to work?” and share it with classmates next time.


  Through the study of the relevant content in the classroom, I understand that as an English teacher, we should not only give a good lecture in class, but also pay attention to teaching methods and students’ learning methods, so as to cultivate students' enthusiasm and initiative.

  After class, I have the following reflections:

  1. The teaching objectives should be accurate.

  2. The design of teaching link should be reasonable.

  3. The questions in classroom teaching should be appropriate.

  以上是2019河北教师招聘面试之《How do you get to school?》说课稿的全部内容,更多关于2019河北教师,河北教师招聘,教师招聘面试,河北教师招考网,河北教师招聘考试教师招聘备考的信息敬请添加微信客服 河北教师招聘考试群,及关注河北教师招聘考试/河北人事考试







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