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2020河北教师招聘面试英语说课稿《unit6 I’m going to study co

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  人教版八年级上册unit6 I’m going to study conputer science说课稿

  【The analysis of teaching material】

  The teaching content of this lesson is taken from PEP Junior English book 3, unit 6, the topic is I’m going to study computer science. The main sentence structure is“be going to”,after learning this unit, students will know how to talk about their future plans freely.

  【The analysis of students】

  Secondly, I’d like to talk something about the students. Students in Middle school have an experience for life and they are active, curious and interested in new things. So it’s easy for students to learn it. But they can’t concentrate for a long time. So I will use different methods to create an easy and happy atmosphere to let them learn English happily.

  【The analysis of teaching objectives】

  According to the new curriculum of English, in order to fulfill the learning task of this lesson, I establish the following teaching objectives:

  Knowledge objective: Students will be able to read and write some words about jobs like engineer, basketball player, pilot... and be familiar with the basic form“be going to”.

  Ability objective: Through doing some activities, students will be able to talk about their future plans using the words and phrases.

  Emotional objective: Students will have a clear plan about their future, and be confident in speaking English in public.

  【The analysis of teaching key& difficult point】

  Based on the analysis above, I will set the following key and difficult points.

  Key point&difficult point:the understanding and the use of the phrases and sentences in real situation.

  【Teaching method】

  How to achieve the teaching aims? How to stress the key points and break through the difficulties? The key is making good use of teaching methods. In this lesson , I will mainly use Task-based teaching Method and Communicative Approach to arouse their interest.

  【Study method】

  As for learning methods, I will lead my students to use Independent study method and Cooperation study method to study initiatively.

  【Teaching procedures】

  Step1: Warming-up & Lead-in

  In warming-up part, after greeting my students, they are asked to listen to a song named“Be what you wanna be”and tell me what they have heared in the song. They can hear some words about jobs like doctor,actor...Because the content of the song is closely related to the topic today, In this way, I can lead in the topic naturally and arouse their interest meanwhile.

  Step2: Pre-listening

  In pre-listening part, I will show students some pictures about people doing different jobs(doctors,actors,lawyers...) they can describe the pictures one by one and tell me what the people’s jobs are and their view over these jobs. Meanwhile, I can lead in the sentence structures:“what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a computer programmar. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study computer science.”They can have a brainstorming. By showing them pictures, students can understand the meaning of the words deeply and sentence structures can be taught naturally too.

  Step3: While-listening

  After they have been familiar with the different jobs, then they are required to listen to the tape twice. For the first time listening, finish activity 1b on the book, write down what we should do to do different jobs. For example, to be a computer programmer, we are going to study computer science.

  Then for the second time listening, they have to listen to the tape carefully again and try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the speakers. The purpose of these two activities is to help them master the sentence structure clearly and practicing oral English.

  Step4: Post-listening

  Post-listening is an indispensable part of this lesson because students can use the words and sentence patterns they have learned skillfully. In this part, Taske-Based teaching approach will be used. They’re divided into several groups, in each group, there is a reporter, he/she can interview each group member about what they are going to do when they grow up and then show to the whole class. They can talk about the characteirstics of each job and why they like it. By doing this activity, students can be more familiar with the topic today, and have a deep understanding of each job.

  Step5: Summary&homework

  In the end, I will guide the student to conclude what we have learned today. I will invite some students to tell us. They may tell us in this class, we have learned how to express their future plans and how to talk about their dreams.

  For homework, there are two tasks for them: the first one is to interview the job of their families, and try to record the features of these jobs. The second one is to do a schedule about their future plans. In this way, students can practice the knowledge today, at the same time, they can have a better planning about future life.

  【Blackboard design】

  Lastly,I would like to talk about my blackboard design. As you can see, It is very clear and logical, students can easily master what we have learned in the class.






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