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  • 2021年河北教师招聘 说课稿

    发布时间:2021-03-17 17:38:04 河北人事考试网 来源:未知 河北教师招聘考试群

      河北教师招聘考试网提供以下教师招聘教师面试备考信息:2021年河北教师招聘 说课稿,更多关于教师,老师,教师招聘教师面试备考的内容,请关注河北教师招聘考试网/河北人事考试网

      Teaching Aims:

      Functions: Ask for and give directions on the street

      Structures: There be structure

      Where questions

      Affirmative statements

      Prepositions of place

      Difficulties and focus:

      Target language: Is there a bank near here?

      Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.

      Where’s the supermarket?

      It’s next to the library.

      Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?

      Yes, it’s on Bridge Street on the right.

      Vocabulary: post office, restaurant, bank, supermarket, avenue, pay phone, park, dirty, clean, left, right, next to, across from, near, between, in front of, behind

      Recycling: hotel, street, new, big, small, busy, Do you want to…?

      Learning Strategies: Using what you know



      Section A

      Create plots and scenes to guide the new lesson

      The main content is to learn to ask for and give directions in conversations by introducing some buildings in Section A, so we can adopt the Audiovisual Guiding Method: At first ,review the prepositions that the students have learned, then the teacher can teach some nouns about buildings by showing some pictures or projecting flashcards about some buildings.

      1.Show a picture of a bank.

      T: Look at this picture. What place is it ?

      S: It is a bank.

      T: Spell it.

      S: B-A-N-K .

      Teach other new words : post office, park, supermarket, payphone, street, .

      Show a map and let students practice in pairs.

      Is there …… ?

      Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.


      Tell us the way to your school.

      T: Where is the …?

      S: It’s ….

      Teach the prepositions

      Next to, across from, near, between, in front of, behind.

      Step1: .Learn some nouns about buildings first, and then the teacher communicates with the students.

      Show some pictures about buildings or project some flashcards about buildings.

      T: It’s a bank.

      Can you spell it?

      S: Yes I do. / No, I don’t.

      T: Is there a / an…?

      S: Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t .

      T: Where is the…?

      S: It’s near/ next to /across from /… the…

      Step2: Get the students to practice conversations and communicate with each other.

      Is there a / an … near here ? Yes, there is .

      Where’s the … ? It’s … .

      Step 3: 1. Play the tape of Part 1b, get the students to listen and circle the places they hear in 1a, finish the teaching task of 1b.

      The answers in 1a are: f, a, e, I, c, b, h, g, d.

      The answers in 1b are: restaurant, post office, supermarket, Fifth Avenue, Bridge Street, Center Street.

      2.1c: This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language:

      Point to the different locations shown in the picture. Ask different students to name each one.

      Point to the question and answer the example conversation and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.

      Ask students to work in pairs. Say, First one person a question and then the other person takes a turn.

      Demonstrate the activity. Point to the picture and ask, Is there a post office near here? Then choose a student to answer. Guide the student to say, yes, there’s a post office on Bridge Street.

      As students work, move around the room and check on their progress.

      Ask students to present their questions and answers to the class.

      3.2a: the answers are: 4, 6, 2, 3, 5, 1.

      4.Play the tape of Part 2b, and get the students to fill in the blanks with the words in the box, finish the teaching task of Part 2b.

      The answers are: 1.between, 2.across from, 3. on, 4. next to, 5. in front of,

      6. behind.

      5. 2c: this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

      Point to the list of buildings in 1a. Ask a student to read the list aloud.

      Point to the question and answer in the speech bubbles in 2c and ask a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.

      Ask Ss to work in pairs like in 1c.

      Demonstrate the activity. Point to the map and ask Where’s the park? Then choose a student to answer. Guide the student to say, It’s across from the bank.

      5.3a: This activity provides target-oriented reading practice using the language items taught in this unit.

      Draw attention to the conversation in the box.

      Ask a student to point out the place that Paul wants to get to.

      Point to the two arrows. Ask students to repeat left and right.

      Ask Ss to read the conversation again.

      The answer is: Paul and Nancy are the two figures outside the gate to the park.

      6.3b: This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.

      Call attention to the three pictures.

      Point to the questions below each picture and ask a student to read them aloud.

      Point to the three write-on lines in the speech bubbles.

      Ask students to complete the writing individually.

      Answers are: 1). Yes, there is. Go straight down New Street and turn right. There’s a pay phone on the right.

      2). Go straight down New Street and turn right. Turn left at Bridge Street . The bank is across from the street.

      3). Yes, there is. Turn right, then go straight down Bridge Street. The post office is on the left. It’s across from the restaurant, next to the supermarket.

      7. Part 4 provides guided oral practice using the target language.

      Section B and Self check

      Create Plots and scenes to guide the new lesson

      Review and consolidate the sentence patters like Is there a / an … ? Where’s the …? Where do you live ? by reviewing and learning some nouns about public buildings in Section B. The Transforming information methods can still be adopted: The teacher shows some objects or pictures or projects some flashcards and gets the students to do pairwork to review the words taught in the first part; Again the teacher shows some objects or pictures or projects some flashcards about public buildings, for example, a park, a hotel, a street, a supermarket. At last, the teacher can get the students to observe the pictures in Part 1a and match the pictures with the words, then finish the teaching task of Part 1a.

      The main content in Section B is to ask for and give directions on the street with the target language learnt.

      Step 1: Demonstration

      The teacher communicates with the students to review the target language:

      Is there a / an…? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

      Is there a / an … near where you live? Yes , there is.

      Where is the ….? It’s… .

      Step 2: Activities

      Get the Ss to practice conversations to review the target language:

      Is there a /an…near where you live?

      Yes, there is.

      Step 3: Intercourse

      Get the Ss to write a guide for their town and let them communicate with each other, then draw a picture of where their partner lives:

      Where do you live?

      My house is… .

      Step 4: Experiences

      Play the tape of part 2a and get the Ss to circle the places they hear in Activity 1a. then finish the teaching task of Part 2a.

      Again play the tape of part 2a and get the Ss to draw a map of Michael’s neighborhood in the box according to the content they hear, then finish the teaching task of part 2b.

      The answers in 1a: e, d, a, g, f, h, c, b.

      The answers in 2a are: a quite street, a new hotel, a small supermarket.

      Step 5: activities

      Get Ss to do groupwork and review the words in 1a, lead student A to say one true thing and one false thing about his or her map in 2b, and another student to say Yes or No, and finish the teaching task of part 2c.

      Step 6: Read by themselves

      Get the Ss to read the passage in part 3a and demand them to circle the description words: busy, small, old, interesting,. Then finish teaching task of part 3a.


      Get the Ss to look at Activity 3a, and look at the picture in 3b and fill in the blanks, then finish the teaching task of part 3b. Demand the students to use some description words in 3a.

      Step 8:

      Get the students to write a guide for their town, and finish the teaching task of part 3c.

      Step 9: Get the Ss to do pairwork , demand the Ss to describe where they live, let them to draw a picture according to their partners’ description, and finish the teaching task of part 4.


      The content of this unit is to learn some nouns of public buildings and prepositions of location, the sentence patterns like Is there a /an…? Where is the …? And to learn how to talk about the places and their locations.











      以上是2021年河北教师招聘 说课稿的全部内容,更多关于教师,老师,教师招聘考试教师面试备考的信息敬请加入教师招聘考试群 教师招聘考试群,及关注教师招聘考试网/河北人事考试网

    本文标签:老师 教师


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