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    发布时间:2018-10-16 15:48:37 河北人事考试网 来源:华图教育 河北金融招聘考试群




    Passage 4

    Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as You Scale

    There are many reasons that founder-led companies are so good at disrupting industries and making life miserable for show-moving incumbents. But perhaps the most powerful is that founders create great insurgencies. They ignore established industry rules and boundaries. They create better ways to solve old problems. They disdain anything that burs their focus on the front line. From top to bottom, they at war against the industry leaders on behalf underserved customers.

    Our research on what we call the “founder’s mentality” shows that maintaining a strong insurgent mission is critical to long-term, sustainable growth. But to compete long term, insurgent companies also need to develop scale and scope, which very often dulls their insurgent’s zeal in many ways, this is because their perspective on the future slowly changes. Insurgents see the days ahead—both long and short term—as ripe with opportunity. They embrace change and chaos they invest in whatever it takes to innovate new solutions for customers. In comments, on the other hand, very often see the future as threat As leaders invested heavily in the status quo, innovation and disruption are not good for therm. Turbulence erodes profitability, innovation marginalizes their current product offerings. The future is not better.

    The companies that find a way to achieve scale without losing their insurgent mission---we call them “Scale Insurgents”--remain acutely alert to this difference in perspective. They actively fight back against the very natural tendency to retreat behind the castle walls to avoid future change and turbulence, instead, they do what in some companies might seem like heresy. They commit to disrupting their own insurgency. They know that acquiring the benefits of scale requires ruthless focus on a well-defined core business and a commitment to building the systems and processes to support it. But they aren’t wedded to their business model—they are wedded to what will serve their customers best Rather than erecting defenses against the future, they embrace the notion of limitless horizons—the idea that a company can intelligently extend the boundaries of its core ever outward.

    1. According to paragraph l, why are founder-led companies often con side red as “insurgents”? (    )

    A. Because they often get more supports from the customers.

    B. Because they often damage the market order.

    C. Because they often challenge the old companies in many ways.

    D. Because they often make more money than old companies.


    2. Which of the following is NOT a representation of startups’ “rebellions”? (    )

    A. They are more concentrated and tend to stick to their goals.

    B. They frequently defeat old companies in competitions.

    C. They try figure out new ways to solve problems.

    D. They do not follow existing rules.


    3. What is main difference between an “insurgent” company and an “incumbent” company? (    )

    A. An insurgent company invests more in the future while an incumbent company invests more in the status quo.

    B. An insurgent company prefers chaos to stability.

    C. An insurgent company loves challenging the incumbent companies.

    D. An insurgent company sees changes as opportunities while an incumbent company loves stability more.

    【答案】A。细节题根据第二段的In comments, on the other hand, very often see the future as threat As leaders invested heavily in the status可以推出insurgent company眼光放得更远,而 incumbent companies对当下投资的更多。原文并没有提到incumbent company更倾向于稳定stability,所以选项BD排除。C选项没有明确两者之间的不同点,只是单方面的指出insurgent company喜欢挑战老的公司,并没有进行对比。故正确答案是选项A。

    4. The word “heresy” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to (    ).

    A. Surprising cat

    B. Brilliant idea

    C. Evil belief

    D. Untraditional opinion

    【答案】D。含义题。Heresy出现在很后一段的第四行,根据该词前面所讲的内容,不像老的公司,insurgent company并不喜欢习惯性地退缩到城堡内以回避未来发生的变化和波动,也就是说他们常常不按常理出牌,据此可以推出他们会做一些会让老的公司觉得不符合常理的事情,因此答案选D。

    5. In the author’s opinion, what is a “scale insurgents”? (    )

    A. A startup company that maintains its original quality in the process of scaling up.

    B. An insurgent company that turned into an incumbent company.

    C. An insurgent company that managed to make steady profits.

    D. A startup company that succeeded in scaling up.

    【答案】A。态度观点题。该题可以采用排除法。首先可以排除B和C选项,原文已经说了insurgent company和incumbent company是两种不同的公司,而且前者经常挑战后者,所以insurgent company不可能会转变成后者。C选项并不能突出insurgent company和其他公司的区别。根据原文The companies that find a way to achieve scale without losing their insurgent mission - we call them ‘Sales Insurgents’”可知Sales Insurgents指的是那些在扩大规模的路上并没有放弃“反叛革命”的公司,A项中的maintains its original quality与原文中without losing their insurgent mission相呼应。故选A。

      以上是2016工商银行考题(4)的全部内容,更多关于银行秋招,银行笔试,银行招聘,银行考题,金融招聘考试试题资料的信息敬请添加微信客服 金融招聘考试群,及关注金融招聘考试网/河北人事考试网






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