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  • 2019河北教师招聘面试英语说课稿:writing

    发布时间:2019-07-10 09:31:33 河北人事考试网 来源:未知 河北教师招聘考试群

      河北教师招聘考试网提供以下教师招聘教师招聘备考信息:2019河北教师招聘面试英语说课稿:writing,更多关于河北教师考编 中小学教师 教师考编,河北人事考试网,教师招聘教师招聘备考的内容,请关注河北教师招聘考试网/河北人事考试网


    This is a writing period of Unit Two module 2,book 3 ,publish by FLTRP .This module is about developing and developed countries .in this lesson ,students will learn how to write the passage about comparing two things, from what respect compared between the two cities. They also can learn some related words and phrases. As we know ,we should improve students integrate language usage ability .Writing ability is a important part ,it is necessary to students,so we should attach importance to the writing teaching .

    This lesson ,I will achieve the following goals

    Knowledge goal is revising some adjectives and link words and the sentences of making comparisons:

    Ability goals is writing a description comparing two places.

    Moral goal is making comparisons between developing countries and developed countries and arouse the Ss’s sense of responsibilities for our society, our country and the people living in the less developed countries.

    Teaching important point is writing about comparisons between the towns or cities from the aspects of population, industry, climate, location, transport and tourism.

    Teaching difficult point is writing a description comparing two places, using words and sentence patterns learned in this unit.

    Let me analysis of students:

    Although students have written the similar articles in grade 1 of senior high school , but they lack of the vocabulary ,so the sentence structure is onefold .it is necessary to help students master as much as possible good words and sentences to introduces two countries or cities . make students improve their writing ability.

    I use task based language teaching method to help students finish the writing task in class ,they will work in pairs and in groups .and a project and a computer will be my teaching aids .

    The following is my teaching procedures

    Step 1 revision

    Before class ,I arrange the task for the students :prepare a short presentation about Tianjin or Shenzhen using the words: attractive, busy, dangerous, dirty, industrial, lively, modern, noisy, peaceful, polluted, poor, smart, vast, wealthy .Ask the Ss to collect information as much as possible about Tianjin or Shenzhen from the aspects of population, industry, climate, location, transport and tourism.

    So at the beginning of this class ,I ask the Ss to present their work in class and make the necessary assessments by working together with the Ss.

    Step Two Lead-in:

    Check the homework and ask the Ss to take notes about Tianjin or Shenzhen from the aspects of population, industry, climate, location, transport and tourism.

    Step 3 pre-writing

    Task 1: I will show a passage that some words is missing .then students read the description comparing Shanghai with Guilin.. Try and guess the missing information in pairs .then check the answers in class.

    Task 2 :Discussion: How to write a description comparing two places. They will think about more information about the city. This can cultivate their thinking ability .

    Step 4 While- writing:

    I will guide the students finish the writing step by step

    First ,Ask students to write a sentence to start their description about the two places saying what you know about them or what’s special about them.

    Second ,ask them to write a description comparing two places as what has been done in Activity 1 and Activity 2.

    Third ,let the students organize their sentences into paragraphs. Each paragraph should discuss one particular feature. You may need to rewrite some of your sentences.

    Fourth,let them write a sentence to finish their description and give their opinion about the two places.

    After these steps ,the students will finish the passage .

    Step 5 post- writing:

    Ask the students in pairs to check the composition form the aspects of content, grammar, spelling and so on.

    Task 3. Work in groups of 4 and write sentences about Tianjin and Shenzhen, using the notes the they’ve already made .

    Task 4. Rewrite the sentences and compare Tianjin and Shenzhen, using the link words: but, however, although, while ,the sentence structures above in the teaching goals and the ways of making comparisons mentioned above.

    Step 6 Homework:

    1.Write a description comparing Tianjin and Shenzhen .

    Ask one of your partners to correct your composition and rewrite your composition before handing it in.








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